Animal Feed and Pet Food
CO2 Emissions
Current CO2 levels are at 414 ppm. This shows a 5-fold increment in the last 70 years. The rise in CO2 as seen in the graph on the left cannot be explained in any other way as actual emissions would have taken between 5,000 to 20,000 years instead of the 60 thus far. Unfortunately, agriculture - predominantly lifestock contributes to 40% of these emissions.
Animal Feed
Animal feed prices have increased by 70%-300% since 2018. Increased costs and reduced productivity has led to increasing carbon emissions. Due to a lack of process technology, alternative-protein animal feed replacements are either under development, too expensive, not scalable, or are impacted by high energy prices.
Pet Food
Pet ownership is one of the leading contributors to this increase in CO2 levels according to an article published by The Guardian entitled, Britain's problem with pets: they are bad for the planet. 90 million dogs in the United States alone play a key role in the food system and pets consume 30% of global meat produced (Source: USDA).
Direct Emissions are at an All-Time High

The following numbers showcase direct emissions from the sectors Protiomix is targetting

  • Breweries: 240 Mn Tonnes
  • Vertical Farming: 50 Mn Tonnes
  • Feed Production: 1,171 Mn Tonnes
  • Pet Food: 106 Mn Tonnes

Therefore, 1,567 Mn tonnes of emissions are being targetted by the Protiomix process.

Most companies target direct emissions such as carbon sequestration, carbon utilisation, and carbon upcycling. They often forget indirect emissions such as logistics, opportunistic avoidance, use of replacements, and importation substitution.

Indirect Emissions Matter!

Indirect reductions actually help us reduce our cost too. We provide a far more sustainable solution than our competitors but in an economical manner.

Protiomix's Solution
Our Cycle

Protiomix is a novel industrial biotechnology start up utilising waste streams generated by food and beverage sectors (focusing on breweries, greenhouses, vertical and dairy farms) and converting it into an environmentally sustainable high protein, carbon-negative feed and pet food.

Integrating the latest advances in biotechnology and chemical/biological engineering, following the cascading circular economy approach to maximise resource value whilst sequestering carbon dioxide.

Designed to have optimal amino acid profiles with high levels of vitamins as well as omega-3 fatty acids, prebiotics, micronutrients and phytonutrients.


Protiomix has access to state-of-the-art industrial biotechnology; production and downstream separation ensuring in combination with the Protiomix process a near 85% reduction in operation and capital expenditure.

This ensures our 24/7 industrial biotech process solves the twin emissions problem of feed and pet food, simultaneously delivering high-quality products while remediating the water and sequestering CO2

State-of-the-Art Bioreactors

Our exclusive partnership with photo bioreactor specialists has significantly reduced the typically enormous CAPEX costs associated with large scale production. These savings are possible due to the implementation of novel mass transfer systems and downstream production and product extraction technologies which also decrease our OPEX costs. These innovative process solutions have shown synergistic compatibility with our consortia based systems, wherein preliminary studies have showcased nearly 5-fold production improvement

